CD Page

Niek de Groot

CD Recordings :
New CD release november 2024 - Anders Nilsson - 'Lost Birds' Available on Spotify.

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French Connection

During the two decades Catherine Klipfel and Niek de Groot have been playing together, they have often focused on the French repertoire; a shared love. Catherine is French and Niek has many musical roots in France. Within this repertoire the color spectrum of the double bass together with the richness of the piano create new timbres and open new horizons. The idea of making an album with a complete French repertoire therefore seemed like a logical idiomatic step.

CD release 13 december 2023.

Kurtag Scenes
June 1987; György Kurtág for the first time in Amsterdam, while working with ‘my’ Nieuw Ensemble. Scenes from a novel, Troussova etc. Two hours of ‘private lesson’ on one low B; ‘Nein, nicht wie Auto!!” An entirely new world opened to me; not only Kurtág’s highly sensitive and intense music, but also his inexorable attitude to it and his unsurpassed knowledge of the entire music-repertoire. Many encounters would follow over the years after; when he was living In Amsterdam, on Rückblick later and up till the last ‘telefonische Konsultation’ on the Sudelbücher. Utterly demanding, yes, but always warm and human, not in the last place because of Márta in the background.

Now, for already so many years, his influence and music play a very important role in my life; the ultimate result might exist for one moment, but is old news the next. Where everything has to be looked upon, felt and conquered again and again........hence the ambivalence of any recording of Kurtág’s music.

NdG June 2019

The second Rossini-Hoffmeister is out now at BIS Records and at Spotify!

Duos for Violin & Double Bass | Eline Vähälä and Niek de Groot

The first Rossini-Hoffmeister CD is out at BIS Records and!!

Brahms Sonate op38 - Gubaidulina Sonate Hindemith Sonata - Vasks Sonate
Niek de Groot and Catherine Klipfel

Electric Counterpoint
Tatjana Kukoc with Niek de Groot in Howard Bashaw  HOROS   BUY

Markus Stockhausen plays Karlheinz Stockhausen
Markus Stockhausen with Niek de Groot in HALT  BUY